视跌宕如无物,闻毁誉于无声,心无旁骛、数十年如一日坚持不懈地前行,以终生的知行实现当初的理想,并使千万众受益。这句话形容巴老再贴切不过。每年二月下旬的星期六,巴老写给他的投资人年信都会如期而至。不仅是Berkshire Hathaway的股东翘首以待,我想很多大小投资人都会当作投资圣经来读的。
Becky Quick and Warren Buffett-来自网络
过去的星期一,CNBC的早间经济新闻主播之一Becky Quick 前往Omaha, 直播三小时采访巴老,专题名为“Ask Warren”。 美东时间早6点到9点。6点钟,我欣欣然打开电脑,聆听投资圣经。巴老曾经说,他只接受Becky Quick采访。Becky 是我每天都看的CNBC早间新闻Squawk Box 的三剑客之一。
Buffett recommends focusing on businesses that will hold their value over time. As he told CNBC in 2018, “nobody buys a farm based on whether they think it’s going to rain next year.”
“You’re buying businesses,” Buffett told Quick on Monday. Because people can “make decisions every second with stocks,” as opposed to investing in a physical entity like stores or farms, “they think an investment in stocks is different than an investment in a business. But it isn’t.”
他每年都在重复的是,他买的不仅仅是一只股票,他买的是生意。拿苹果举个例子。“It’s probably the best business I know in the world. And that is a bigger commitment that we have in any business except insurance and the railroad,” he said. 他有5.7%的苹果股份,2百45万股。While Buffett makes plenty on dividends — Berkshire had $773 million in Apple dividends alone last year — the billionaire investor said reinvestment in leaner, low inflation times is a form of compound interest for an operating company.一直相信只买自己能看懂的产品和生意。所以他一直没AA PL、AMZN这样的成长股。有一天他在喜欢的Dairy Queen买冰淇淋,看到每个进进出出的小朋友,几乎人手一枚iPhone。他开始研究这块功能无比强大,人见人爱的小东西。然后在低价时,大量买入。当Becky问他有没有升级用iPhone时,他说,“My flip phone is permanently gone….” 脸上的笑明媚,单纯。
网上已经有网友写:When the market tanks, ask yourself: What would Warren Buffett do?
巴老说过,“Opportunities come infrequently. When it rains gold, put out the bucket, not the thimble.” 再过几轮大浪淘沙,就是该用”bucket”的时候了。我指的是美国股市噢。中国的人为可操可控的痕迹明显。
Taleb 在《随机生存的智慧:黑天鹅语录》里说过:“信息时代的灾难在于,信息的害处远比它的益处增长得快。” 投资不仅需要智慧和理智,还需要意志力和心理素质。正如巴老所言,投资简单,但不容易。
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